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Fees are payable in advance on the 1st of the month. They are payable by either cash, cheque or BACS. If fees are not paid by the 7th of the month a late fee charge of £10 will be levied. Unfortunately, we are unable to give reductions or refunds for holidays or sickness and sessions are not interchangeable. All meals, baby wipes, nappies and creams are included in the fees for children under the age of 3yrs. Where a child is in receipt of Early Years Funding a consumable charge of £20 per month is applied to the monthly invoice to reflect the supply of the above consumables. Once children enter our preschool room we require parents to provide nappies, wipes and creams in their child's nursery bag.  We reserve the right to levy surcharges on the late collection of children. No charge is made for Bank Holidays and Nursery closure dates.


We offer 30hrs Funding for 3 & 4 year olds; Extended Early Years Entitlement for 2 year olds & Targeted 2 year old funding. 


Currently fees are as follows:

£72 per day (£7.20 per hr) for under 3's

£70 per day (£7 per hr) for over 3's


We accept payment through HMRC's Tax Free Childcare


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